Critical Thinking Assignment

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Critical Thinking Assignment

Critical Thinking Assignment

Review Case Study

Congratulations, you are the new Principal of the school described in the assigned case study (Case study will be provided to you by the Instructor). You are being asked to create a plan of action for how you will shape the campus culture of the school presented in the case study. This plan should inclusive of the strategies that you will use to demonstrate how you as the Principal will facilitate the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.

Standards being assessed: (TeXes Competency 001; Standard II-Learner Centered Leadership and Campus Culture-TAC Rule ?241.15; Principal Standard 4: School Culture-TAC Rule ?149.2001)*
Summary includes school and community data. Strengths and weaknesses are identified and linked to the vision of the school.

Specifically identifies strategies for creating a campus culture that sets high expectations, promotes learning, and provide intellectual stimulation for self, students and staff Connects strategies to vision and campus culture. Data from the case study are included and linked specifically to the strategy. Supports strategies with references from research. Strategies are presented in S.M.A.R.T goals

Specifically identifies strategies for involving all stakeholders in planning processes to enable the collaborative development of a shared campus culture vision focused on teaching and learning. Connects strategies to vision and campus culture. Data from the case study are included and linked specifically to the strategy. Supports strategies with references from research. Timeline provided. Names of business provided. Specific resources are identified and aligned to needs. Strategies are presented in S.M.A.R.T goals format.

Specifically identifies strategies in plan that ensures that parents and other members of the community are integral part of the campus culture. Data from the case study are included and linked specifically to the strategy Connects those strategies to campus culture and vision. Supports strategies with references/citations for the research..

Specifically identifies strategies in plan that ensures that parents and other members of the community are integral part of the campus culture. Data from the case study are included and linked specifically to the strategy Connects those strategies to campus culture and vision. Supports strategies with references/citations for the research..

Strategies are presented in S.M.A.R.T goals format
Provides strategies in plan to implement strategies to ensure the development of collegial relationships and effective collaboration. Data from the case study are included and linked specifically to the strategy Connects strategies to campus vision and culture. Supports strategies with references/citations from the research. Strategies are presented in S.M.A.R.T goals format

Provides strategies in plan to respond appropriately to diverse needs in shaping the campus culture. Data from the case study are included and linked specifically to the strategy Connects strategy to campus culture and vision. Links strategies to research based practices/provides citations. Strategies are presented in S.M.A.R.T goals format

Provides strategies in plan to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of students, staff, parents and community members toward the realization of the campus vision. Data from the case study are included and linked specifically to the strategy Links strategies to research based practices/provides citations. Strategies are presented in S.M.A.R.T goals format.