Critical thinking: Argument analysis Academic Essay

Topic: Management Human Resource
August 24, 2020
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August 24, 2020

Critical thinking: Argument analysis Academic Essay

Put the argument from the following passage into standard form and construct an argument map diagram. There is no need to include unstated premises (assumptions) in your answer.


For each of the following short arguments; (a) represent the logical form of the argument, making sure you indicate what the schematic letters stand for and (b) say whether the argument is deductively valid or invalid. (3 marks each, for a total of 12 marks)

Question 2

Students will only succeed in their studies if they do sufficient work outside of class. But if students do sufficient work outside class, they will not have time for a part time job. Therefore, no student with a part time job will succeed in their studies.
Valid or invalid

Question 3

Babies cry when they are hungry and when they are in pain. My baby is crying, so he must be hungry or in pain.
Valid or invalid

Question 4

The death penalty is immoral. The death penalty results in some innocent people being wrongly executed. Executing an innocent person is always morally wrong.
Valid or invalid

Question 5

If what was shown on television did not affect people’s behaviour, then television advertising would never influence viewers to buy a product, But we know that it does. So it cannot be true that television does not affect behaviour.
Valid or invalid

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions