Critical Summary Task DescriptionMore specifically, you are asked to engage with your chosen paper in the light of the concepts we are covering in wee

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May 7, 2020
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May 7, 2020

Critical Summary Task DescriptionMore specifically, you are asked to engage with your chosen paper in the light of the concepts we are covering in wee

Critical Summary Task DescriptionMore specifically, you are asked to engage with your chosen paper in the light of the concepts we are covering in weeks 1-4. This means, you need to read the paper with the course material in mind, including:€¢discussions about the need to differentiate between narrow notions of health education and broader approaches to health promotion indicated in the Ottawa Charter as a matter of understanding and engaging with specific social contexts;€¢discussions about the value of engaging with the social dimensions of health; and€¢discussions about the strengths and limitations of individualistic versus social approaches to understanding health, as well as the concept of social practice.Although there is an infinite number of ways you might critically engage with a paper (e.g. on the basis of its study design or methodological strengths and limitations) we are asking you read the paper with regard to the course material in weeks 1-4 and to write a critical summary that demonstrates your understanding and thinking about this. It might help to imagine your readers are colleagues involved in trying to design and develop health promotion initiatives that are informed by and responsive to the social aspects of health involved in the particular domain in which you are working.
You are asked to do two things in the critical part of the summary.1.Develop and establish a clear position on the strengths and/or limitations of the paper. Given the word limit you are advised to choose one main point you want to make about the paper and to develop this point into your position. Make sure that you include a clear statement about the position you are developing in writing your critical summary, and then develop it through close analysis of your chosen paper. Do not make a series (or list of points), we are asking you to write an argument.2.Reflect on the implications of your position for those involved in designing health promotion initiatives. Here you can either discuss the implications for health promotion generally, or you can narrow your focus down to a particular domain of health promotion.
It is not possible to pass this assignment if you simply write a summary of the paper (see marking criteria).
Remember, to critique something does not necessarily mean to find flaws in it, engaging critically with a paper means reflecting on the papers strengths and weaknesses.