Critical Evaluation and Development of a Business Proposal-change for change

company A and B
August 10, 2020
Philosophical dialoque in the manner of plato or Denis Diderot
August 10, 2020

Critical Evaluation and Development of a Business Proposal-change for change

Critical Evaluation and Development of a Business Proposal-change for change
Change for change
Wicked problem: Poverty
Business idea: Change for Change co-operates with the large card companies and banking institutions to help them
implementtheir Corporate Social Responsibility objectives. This is a global proposal. When purchases are in the round-up
margin of a sale (i.e $2.98- 2 cents away from $3), customerswho have the Change for Change card, automatically round
up their sale the extra 2 cents donating this amount to charity. Banking institutions collect this money and then donate
it to a selected Change for Change charity that addresses poverty.