Critical, Analytical Research Paper Academic Essay

September 5, 2020
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September 5, 2020

Critical, Analytical Research Paper Academic Essay

Analyze the concept of Judicial Review at the Federal level and the crucial role played by then Chief Justice John Marshall in the formulation of this concept in the1803 Starre Decisis case of Marbury v Madison. Ensure that your analysis is not a mere rehearsal of that Starre Decisis but rather a critical, systematic and coherent examination of the politics of that time and how that politics manifested itself at the judiciary level between the Federalists and anti-Federalists.

1) Analyze the concept of Judicial Review at the Federal level, the crucial role Chief Justice John Marshall played in its formulation, and its impact on American Jurisprudence. Ensure that your analysis include the pivotal case that gave rise to the use of this concept at the federal level and its continuing use in American jurisprudence.

2) Why is it the case that most major public policy issues ( e.g. Abortion, public education, employment, housing, marriage) which are by nature political and which should be addressed by the Congress, end up in the Supreme Court as a legal question to be decided by the court? Ensure that you provide a systematic analysis of this topic and that you cite appropriate cases to make clear your answer to the question.

3) Analyze the fundamental differences between the concepts of judicial activism and original intent in the judicial process of the Federal court system of the United States.

Make sure to meet this requirement:
The critical, analytical, research paper must NOT exceed 450 word count including Works Cited.

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Posted on May 31, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions