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August 17, 2020
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August 17, 2020

Criminal Profiling

Topic: Criminal Profiling

Order Description

This assignment will explore criminal profiling, a high-profile issue facing law enforcement. The terms, “criminal profiling” and “racial profiling” are often confused and confusing to many individuals. Write a paper that addresses the following points:
?Define, compare, contrast and discuss the terms “criminal profiling” and “racial profiling”.
?Identify what is being done to curb or prevent racial profiling in your area/state? Provide and cite specific examples of statutes, laws and/or efforts in your state that attempt to stop racial profiling by law enforcement.
?Find an online article with a current event example of “racial profiling” by law enforcement (within the past 3 years). Briefly describe the incident and then post the link to the incident (article, video, news report, etc.) in your paper. Additional details are provided in the course Content area. (3 Full Pages of Content, this does not include your cover, abstract or references). This assignment is worth 70 points. Submit your paper to the appropriate Dropbox folder.