Alternate Dispute Resolution.
May 8, 2020
Antitrust Practices and Market Power
May 8, 2020

Criminal minds Reflection

Criminal minds Reflection

Paper instructions:
Based on this video write a reflection

Please refer to links and additional material to write the essay.

See over )

Writing  in   the   Disciplines
Strategies for  Reflexive  Writing
1.   Understand   the   role   of   self €reflection   in   writing  to   learn/learning   to   write€”
In  reflexive  (self €reflective) writing, you  couple  personal  experience with  careful  observation
(Berens et  al., 2007, p.  145)  and/or  critical  thinking about an  aspect  of  your  experience.    For
example,  you  might write about how  you  developed as  a  thinker, writer,  or  researcher;  or  how  a
particular  process or  event unfolded   for you.    The  key is  that  this  writing  engages you.    As  well
as  sharing  insights with  readers, reflexive  writing  is  increasingly  becoming  an  important
component  of  intellectual  work (p. 146).   In  many cases,  self €reflection  is  a  means of
argumentation in  which  you  use your  experience to  make a  point about the  importance  of  a
particular  event,  process, or  form  of   knowledge.
Even  though  reflexive  writing  might look  like  a  story, you  do  have  to  employ rhetorical  strategies
to  plan  and   structure  it:    clarifying  your  purpose,  understanding  your  audience,  and  building in  a
main point, stance,  or  thesis.
2.   Take   a   subject  position€”
Reflexive writing  €¦ mandates that  the  student be aware  of  how  he or  she  is  affecting  the
research. (From  Fieldworking€”Purdue  University:
).    In  disciplines that  use qualitative
research  methods (i.e.  interviews,  observations),  as  a  writer you  often acknowledge and
describe your  role  and  your  own  experiences  in  the  research  process.   This  shows  that  you’re
aware  of  being part  of  the  process, that  it’s impossible  to  be a  disembodied researcher
(Giltrow,  2005, p.  209), and  that  your  choices of  method€”even your  presence€”can and  do
shape  the  outcomes of   your  research.    The  subjective  research  approach  also  exposes the
relevant  social,  political, and  cultural elements  that  make up everyone’s experience (p. 210).
3.   Write  as   a   subject€”
As  a  reflexive  writer taking  a  subject position,  it’s best  to  use a  personal narrative  style.
However,  two  preconceptions about academic  writing  sometimes  act as  obstacles:
Obstacle 1:    Seldom or  never include  personal opinion or  experience.
At  times,  personal experience can  serve as  a  very  powerful  form  of  proof  or  evidence  in
academic  writing.   Deciding whether to  use it  depends on the  discipline  or  field  you’re  writing  in,
as  well as  the  topic and  purpose of  the  assignment.    When you  do invoke  personal experience,
make sure  it’s helping you  fulfill a  larger  academic  purpose,  such  as  supporting  an argument  or
helping to  make an abstract theory  more real.    As  for opinions,  these are beliefs  that  haven’t

been proven, so  by  themselves  they  aren’t sufficient  grounds for argumentation.   But
articulating  your  opinion about an issue can  be an excellent  starting€point for helping you
develop a  workable, provable  thesis.
Obstacle 2:    Never use I’.
Professional  academic  writers  can  and  do use the  first  person. I can  make your  style  clearer
and  your  tone  more assertive.    If  you  have  authority  or  expertise  on a  topic, the  first  person
allows  you  to  claim that  sense of  authority.   At  times,  using I helps you   to  position yourself
with  respect to  an argument  or  issue,  or  let you  explain  clearly  how  your  work compares  with
However,  you  must be careful  not to  use I unnecessarily or  inappropriately.    In  some
disciplines, particularly  the  sciences,  academics may consider  I stylistically  inefficient or
ethically biased.    Instead of  writing   I  designed  an L€shaped  container,  you  might need to  say
An  L€shaped  container  was designed.   If  you’re  unsure  about whether to  use I, double €check
the  requirements  and  purpose of  your  assignment  and  your  audience’s expectations.
For more information  about the  use  of  I and  personal  experience in  academic  writing, try the
University of  North Carolina Writing Center:

4.   Emphasize  the   first € person/active   voice€”
I eventually interviewed  14 women although,  because of  their  changing
circumstances, I was not in  the  end  able  to  interview  all  of  the  women during  all  of
the  three years.   I interviewed  the  women four  times during  the  period  of  their
degrees €¦
I (subject/agent/doer of   action)  €¦ interviewed (verb/action)  €¦ 14 women (who/what?)
Subject  or  doer  of  action  is  most important.
Compare  this  with  the passive  voice€”
Fourteen  women were interviewed  over  three years, although  because of  their
changing  circumstances, it  was not possible to  interview  all  of  the  women over  the
three years.   The  women were interviewed  four  times during  the  period  of  their
degrees €¦
14 women (object) €¦ were interviewed  (verb/action)  €¦ [by whom? €“missing  agent]
Object of  action  is  most important.    Passive  verb  takes form  of  TO BE +  past  participle.
Behrens,  Laurence,  et  al.  Writing and  Reading Across  the Disciplines. Canadian  ed.  Toronto:  Pearson Longman, 2007.
Giltrow, Janet,   et  al.    Academic  Writing:   An Introduction.    Peterborough,  On:   Broadview,   2005.