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Crimes of Family Violence

Crimes of Family Violence
Project description
Research current events related to the course topics covered in Units 1€“4 and post at least two of these events to the Discussion Board. Within your posting, describe how your chosen items tie into a review of the course thus far. You may use the Kaplan Library or any other outside resource for your research. Be sure to use proper APA citation. Review your fellow students’ postings and respond to at least three events by posting throughout the week.

Note: Event topics examples may include violence against women, global issues, gender differences in intimate violence, theories of family violence, etc.

Textbook Information

Title: Heavy Hands: An Intro to the Crimes of Family Violence (4th Edition)

Author: Gosselin, D. K.

Physical Text ISBN: 136139035

Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall

Digital Book or Physical Text: Digital Book