The level of creativity in human beings is determined by the subsequent levels of personal intelligence and the personality of an individual. Both the personality and intelligence have profound impacts on the levels of creativity. Therefore, the levels of personality and intelligence will greatly influence the level of creativity in humans. At a greater extent, the level of creativity is dependent on the personality and intelligence of individuals. Intelligence involves the ability of a person to understand a situation and later be able to make appropriate judgements about the issue. Personality refers to the characteristics that an individual possess so that he may be able to influence his emotions and other cognitive factors. Creativity involves the use of the personality and intelligence characteristics to develop something that is unique and of great value. In psychology, the extent of creativity is dependent on the levels of personality and intelligence. The distribution of creativity can either be normal or skewed as a result of every day’s judgements or real-life production respectively. Since creativity holds a strategic position between intelligence and personality, then it is paramount to evaluate the role played by each of the two factors. The personality of an individual is claimed to be the most significant factor that enhances and upholds creativity. The various aspects of intelligence have profound effects on the levels of creativity.
The paper is meant to explore the correlation between the levels of creativity and the two independent variables of personality and intelligence. The essay will further examine the extent to which the factors of personality and intelligence will influence and determine the levels of creativity. The psychological levels of intelligence and personality will have profound effects on the levels of creativity hence the need for further scrutiny and assessment. The various empirical evidence that surround the three aspects of creativity, personality and intelligence will be evaluated at length. The essay will examine the role and influence of each of the two independent variables on the levels of creativity. The various psychological aspects and their influence on the creativity issue will be explored too. The aspect of personality and its influence on the extent of creativity will be explored in the essay. Additionally, an evaluation of the influence of personality on the levels of creativity will be evaluated in the essay. Correlation between the three aspects will be given some priority in the paper. A conclusion paragraph will be incorporated in the paper, to summarize, the various undertakings and the main points that influence the levels of creativity in human beings. Despite the existence of other psychological aspects, the influence and the extent to which personality and intelligence issues affect the levels of creativity is worth noting.
Creativity as a Function of Personality
Personality is one of the major determinants of creativity in humans. Personality entails the individual characteristics that help one to influence his environment, emotions and other cognitive purposes. Various empirical evidence have been used to realize the full potential that personality has on the issue of creativity. The process of measuring creativity through the various tests helps to portray the role played by the personality aspect as far as creativity is concerned. The evaluation of remote association tests, consequence tests and instance tasks try to highlight and explore the issue of personality as a factor. The ability to link the three methods of testing and the personality influence will help to quantify the correlation that may exist between the two. Additionally, the ability to link between convergent and divergent thinking and personality characteristics of an individual will help to deduce the kind of relationship that exist between creativity and the personality of people. The personality of an individual is determined by his flexibility, original behaviour and cultural characteristics. For instance, the increased level of flexibility is a personality attribute in humans. Therefore, the ability of individuals to embrace flexibility in their undertakings helps to highlight the relationship between the attributes of personality and creativity. In such a scenario,creativity. Therefore, there exist a positive correlation between the personality of individuals and their subsequent creativity levels. The original behaviour of people is a characteristic of the personality. The ability of the person to portray certain behavioural characteristics will help to deduce his personality. Consequently, the virtue of original behaviour has profound effects on the individual’s personality and hence more spill-over effects on the concept of creativity. From the previous two scenarios, it is quite clear that the aspect of personality has a hallmark influence on the creativity of an individual. The flexibility and original behaviour are characteristics of any personality traits hence great impact on the adaptable levels of creativity. The cultural characteristics of an individual help to shape and mould their personality. Cultural characteristics will greatly influence a person’s characteristics and his ability to influence his emotions and other cognitive requirements. The personality of an individual is determined by his cultural characteristics thereby influencing his levels of creativity. The personality of an individual is also dependent on his levels of self-confidence, intrinsic motivation and his potentials. The three factors have profound effects on the ability of the person to make decisions and influence his or her behaviours, emotions and other cognitive aspects. Self-confidence determines and dictates the personality of a person. The availability of personal and intrinsic motivation in individuals results in profound effects on the levels of personality that the individual will portray. Intrinsic motivation will help to mould the personality of an individual and hence influencing his levels of creativity. Higher levels of self-confidence help to facilitate and uphold the personality attributes of an individual. Further on, the increased levels of personal motivation will uphold the individual’s personality and his ability to come up with creative endeavours in their day-to-day living conditions. Low levels of motivation and self-confidence will automatically affect the personality attributes of people hence reduced levels of creativity. Additionally, the levels of individual potentials will tend to affect his personality. Therefore, low potential by individuals tend to lower they personality attributes. Consequently, the low levels of such personality attribute will automatically lead to lower levels of creativity. The levels of attentiveness will affect the personality attributes of individuals. The ability of the individual to deploy some attention on various life aspects is an attribute of personality. Attentiveness fosters the development of a person hence his ability to think critically and make rational judgements. Attention is an attribute of personal development and hence it has direct impacts on the creativity of the individual. Attentiveness is known to reduce anxiety and hence the ability of the individual to think critically. Critical thinking is associated with higher levels of creativity in humans. The personality of individuals can also be dictated the difference in sex between the different genders. For instance, the development of careers in both genders has profound effects on their personalities. With this regard then, the creativity of both genders is developed in the event of securing better opportunities. Since the difference in gender is an attribute of personality, then the aspects of creativity are explored. The socio-economic factors have some indirect impacts on the levels of individual personality. The socioeconomic status of an individual contributes greatly to the individual’s ability to uphold his creativity endeavours. The socio-economic status will shape the individual’s personality and subsequently his creativity.
Both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational phenomena have significant effects on the personality as well as the creativity characters in humans. Motivation from both the outside and inside of an individual will tend to influence the ability of a person to influence his behaviours and emotions hence profound effects on their personality. Since the personality of people is a core determinant of creativity, then motivation is a crucial component for any creativity to be realized. The individual experience, self-efficacy and perseverance also have significant effects on the levels of individual personality. For instance, individual experience affects the individual’s personality thereby boosting his creativity. This is because there exist a serious relationship between the levels of personality psychology and creativity. Perseverance and self-efficacy have significant effects on the levels of personality too. Self-efficacy is the ability of a person to perform a particular duty. Increased ability to perform and undertake duties responsibly will help to foster and uphold the personality of an individual. Increased levels of personality will prompt further creativity and uniqueness. Self-efficacy can be realized due to higher levels of resources, inventions and operational skills. With this regard then, creative productivity will be realized as a result (Bandura 1997). Perseverance has a positive impact on the levels of creativity in human beings. With reference to past research findings, the aspect of perseverance is seen as a major contributor and facilitator of creativity. Since perseverance is known to influence the personality of individuals, and then it affects the levels of creativity too. The ability of a person to overcome challenges or perseverance facilitates creativity (Shalley & Gilson, 2004) hence creative people tend to face a challenge with higher levels of perseverance. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivational approaches also have significant effects on the levels of individual creativity and perseverance. Extrinsic motivational aspects such as gifts and training tend to influence an individual’s personality and subsequently his creativity. Intrinsic motivational aspects such as openness and self-efficacy have significant effects on the individual’s personality and creativity (Zhou 1998).
Creativity as a Function of Intelligence
The intelligence level of an individual is one of the major determinants of creativity. A combination of intelligence and personality aspects ought to be put in place in order to realize higher levels of psychological creativity in our day to day activities. Intelligence involves the ability of a person to understand a situation and later be able to make appropriate judgements about the issue. Individual knowledge is crucial in facilitating the aspect of creativity. A blend of intelligence, knowledge and personality is essential for the realization of the goals and objectives of creativity. The threshold theory of creativity and intelligence presupposes that intelligence is necessary for creativity to be realized though it is not sufficient enough. Additionally, the theory emphasizes the need of minimal levels of intelligence in the urge and need for creativity. The Sternberg’s theory of intelligence and creativity highlights various aspects of creativity that ought to be evaluated in order to quantify the relationship between creativity and intelligence. The existence of the various aspects of intelligence is crucial in determining the type of correlation that exists between creativity and intelligence. The notable aspects of intelligence according to Sternberg are synthetic, analytical and practical. Each of the three aspects has profound effects on the creativity aspects in individuals. Analytical intelligence is the ability of an individual to evaluate a problem and later devise the best method to solve it. The ability of an individual to provide a lasting solution to an existing problem characterizes the intelligence potential of the individual in question. Since intelligence is one of the major determinants of creativity, then analytical intelligence has significant effects on the levels of creativity. find solutions to new and unusual occurrences. The ability of an individual to come up with a sound creative solution to a problem will help to foster the creativity of the individual in question. Since intelligence is a key determiner of creativity, then the aspect of creative or experimental intelligence is a vital tool for facilitating creativity and its associated effects.
Knowledge is an important aspect of the creativity process. Additionally, knowledge is a key component in the pursuit of creative cognitive. As a component of intelligence, knowledge plays a great role in the realization of the creativity aspect. Both factual and declarative knowledge have significant effects on the issues of intelligence and subsequently on creativity. Creativity is a function of intelligence and hence the level of individual intelligence quotient is vital in the realization of higher levels of creativity. Knowledge may involve the incorporation of tactics to solve an impending problem. Through the use of such tactics, the actual problem is easily identified and subsequently solved. Flexibility in the use of such tactics is emphasized in order to realize the best out of the process. Procedural knowledge may also be incorporated to give rise to efficient decisions. The use of factual and procedural knowledge rayed by the levels of innovation and divergent thinking. Innovation involves the formation of a new product or idea that was previously non-existing. The ability of an individual to come up with a new thought concerning the various psychological situations is a clear depiction of the level of innovation that exists. With this regard then, new ideas are invented that help to foster the intelligence and creativity. The new ideas will further have significant effects on the levels of creativity. This is possible because the new ideas that have been invented are very crucial in the realization of the anticipated goals. The ability of an individual to come up withpsychological aspects depicts the levels of integration in the creativity issue. Divergent thinking entails the act of an individual to come up with a rational decision after being able to evaluate all other possible solutions. An individual and later deduce on of the best for use. This case shows the higher levels of intelligence that the individual possesses. Critical analysis of the possible solutions to a problem is a subset of intelligence and hence a vital tool in facilitating creativity among the people. Since creativity is essential for human progress, then the aspects of divergent thinking ought to be prioritized. Creativity in the workplace ought to be realized in order to foster workplace diversity and convergent thinking. Workplace diversity is a critical intelligence issue to the management of the organization in order to realize its goals and objectives. The creativity of a product is dependent on the characteristics of the product, persons assessing the creativity among other factors. Product creativity is, therefore, a multifactorial aspect. The various aspects of intelligence are crucial in evaluating the nature of the existing correlation between it and the different levels of creativity.