June 15, 2020
MGMT 3620 Personal Ecological Footprint Executive Summary
June 15, 2020

creative writer

2 pages

  • Choose one character trait among the following:
    1. Professional judgment
    2. Values
    3. Competence
    4. Objectivity
    5. Integrity
    6. Confidentiality
    7. Independence
    8. Discipline
  • Define in your own words the character trait that you selected and what it means to you in terms of appropriate business and professional conduct.
  • Research your state”s professional code of conduct for the definition and expectations of your selected character trait.
  • Research the AICPA professional code of conduct to determine their definitions and expectations of the trait that you selected.
  • Search the Internet, Business Journal, or other periodicals for current news about corporate ethics. Select a current (later than 2008) news article related to business ethics that illustrates your character trait and its application (or non-application).