creative arts Academic Essay
August 18, 2020
Week 4 Academic Essay
August 18, 2020

creative arts Academic Essay

Here is assignment 3, it doesn’t seem too difficult, with this assignment, I need to implement what you write and take videos to submit in with the assignment… so I will let you know what I will be choosing for each experience. I need to do 3, these are music, dance and visual arts. I am thinking of doing zumba for dance, its 5 hours for each experience so maybe you can say that i’ve done one hour of each work out video, i went and bought the zumba dvds i can send you what each work out is and you can say i did one hour of each… i was also thinking an art work for visual arts and playing a few instruments for music. i will confirm everything with you tomorrow as i need to actually sort out exactly what i am doing. i will attach the example for you as well, this should really help. you need to document every time i engage in the experience. so about 15 diary entries they can be short. Or we can say that i spent an hour and a half twice and 2 hours. so a total of 5 hours for each so that you dont need to do as many diary entries
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions