Creating a simple family tree

Solution-What is the name of the disease or condition
April 24, 2020
What kind of genetic interaction is seen here
April 24, 2020

Creating a simple family tree

In a separate piece of paper, draw a simple family tree for a couple showing children (F1), and lineages from two children showing grand children (G2), great grandchildren (G3), great great grandchildren (G4), and great great great grandchildren (G5). For the basic family tree, assume generations are outcrossed to non-related spouses. G5 relations between the two

lineages would be 3rd cousins.!

Assume that one of the couple is a carrier for a genetic disease. What is the chance that if a pair of cousins from each generation are carriers, and if they were to marry, what is the chance that a child born to them is affected?!