When a guest stays at a hotel, they are, at-the-minimum, promised a clean, safe and comfortable accommodation€¦€¦€¦€¦
July 22, 2020
Written Business Plan and Presentation
July 22, 2020

Creating a new product

Integrating all that we have learned this semester, you will function as an advertising agency developing a new product or service for introduction into the marketplace. It must be a real product, with a real product category that is already in existence in the marketplace (so no flying cars!)On the other hand, it is something NEW you are NOT reviewing an existing product (so dont say you want to do something like the iphone which already clearly exists. It must be unique!) This may take some thought and that is part of the process, I cannot think of your product for you. This frustrates some students but part of the process is the thought process, if you work at an agency and you need to extend product lines and think of new lines for existing accounts, the thinking is part of your assignment, the client doesnt do it for you!How to figure out a product or service to market: think about a product that you wished existed in the marketplace but doesnt if you sense a need, chances are that someone else does too! You want to create something that you can justify creating in other words, why would people need this in a crowded marketplace? What is the unique selling proposition of your product, is there some differentiation? (creating a new laundry detergent for example is probably not necessary it is a commodity product with plenty of saturation think outside the box!) Nobody needs a me-too product!You will be creating a brief advertising campaign plan for your new product. The following is a brief outline of the advertising campaign plan refer to your book for a more complete description of the parts but keep in mind I am aware you are creating this plan for class, by yourself, rather than a team, it gives you a taste of how a plan goes, in real life you would have multiple departments working on this so I am aware its one person working on it here.Keep in mind, it is not the length of the paper that makes for a successful project, it is the research that went into it! Your submission to me will have two parts:
1. A paper Times New Roman 10 4-7 pages double space detailing ALL the parts of the plan from start to finish this is the document you would leave behind after you presented your idea in an advertising pitch. It is to be in correct formal paper writing format, with paragraphs rather than fragments.
2. A power point presentation this is in addition to, NOT INSTEAD OF a paper this is what you would put up on screen during a presentation. It does not need to have all the parts of the paper, you would never read a paper aloud in a presentation it is a judgment call by you as to the most important and interesting parts of your paper what you would present to a group whom you wanted to buy into your idea. So, make it visually exciting as well as informative! (the length of the ppt is up to you, but a good ballpark is 15-25 slides, three slides do not a presentation make, but you dont want 100 either!)
In order to get a good grade, you need to have BOTH parts of the project completed!The ppt is the part which will be posted online for everyone to comment onjust as the client would in a real pitch presentation. After they are posted, we will critique others presentations and ask questions just as in real life. For the creative portion, you must have at least a print portion of the advertising campaign made up to share with the class (video is optional, although if you want to attach one for us to view, you may do so.You will then have the next two weeks after the project is due to discuss all the final projects, ask questions of your classmates, etc. This discussion is a crucial part of your participation grade in other words, when you turn in your final paper, you are not done yet BUT, the hard work is over reading other peoples papers is fun!
Advertising Campaign Plan Outline:The following outline of the sections, and the decisions they represent, in a typical campaign plan you are basically doing the first of a plan, minus the evaluation portion. It is enough to give you a taste of campaign work, and if you end up taking a 400 level campaign class you will work more extensively on something like this again.
Typical Campaign Plan Outline
Introduction/Executive Summary (where you tell me what your product is) followed by:I. Situation Analysis
Background research
SWOTs: strengths , weaknesses, opportunities, threats
Key advertising problem/s to be solvedII. Key strategic campaign decisions
Target audience (or stakeholder targets in an IMC Plan)
Brand position: Product features and competitive advantage
Campaign Strategy: Key strategic approachIII. Media strategy
Media objectives
Media selection
Media planning and buying:
Vehicle selection
Budget allocation
SchedulingIV. Message strategy
Key Consumer Insight
Message objectives
Selling premise
Big idea
Message design and executions