Project instructions:
Refer to the charts within the module to create a Competitive Advantage Grid for your specific product and service. This will be a rough draft of our research and what you will include in your Final Project.
[+] Competitive Analysis Grid
You may refer to the attached PDF. You may create a chart in Excel, Word, Illustrator or Photoshop.
To be able to conduct a competitive analysis and apply it to any new product or service.
Web Browser
Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
A suggested format for the essays:
1. introduction
A summary/abstract of your entire paper. Always a good idea to write this last!
2. explanation of text
Same as in the Kierkegaard paper.
3. explain your question (short)
Explain the question you are answering in the essay enough that the reader can understand why this is a problem.
4. thesis/defense
State your thesis and defend it.
The following two sections are optional:
5. objection (short)
Explain an objection to Part 4.
6. defense against objection
Defend your argument against the objection from Part 5.
The last part is not optional:
7. conclusion
Sum up your paper in order to tie everything together for your reader.