Create at least two measurable unit objectives that align with the CCSS.

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Create at least two measurable unit objectives that align with the CCSS.

Creating a Unit PlanOnce youve gotten to know your students through learning profile inventories that identify individual areas of strength and learning styles, you can design multimodal lessons that incorporate instructional technology that engage the 21st century learner. This week, you will create a three-day unit plan outline that addresses students diverse learning styles and multiple intelligences, acknowledges cultural and language differences, and integrates digital tools and technology.Using the textbook as guidance, create a Unit Plan outline, using the provided template that includes:Introduction: Describe the demographics of your current (or fictional classroom) including:Grade Level and Subject Area
Total number of students ability levels, gender, students with special needs, English Language Learners (ELLs)
Other relevant information (such as socioeconomic status, family background, recurring behavior issues, etc.)Stage 1: The first stage is to determine the Big Picture; what you want students to learn, conceptually, at the units conclusion. You must:Identify the content, unit title, unit subject, and at least one Common Core State Standard (CCSS) that aligns with the unit.
Create at least two measurable unit objectives that align with the CCSS.
Describe what you want the students to master including key concepts, big ideas, and major understandings (see the textbook, Chapter 4 for guidance).