Create a customer service plan

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July 4, 2020

Create a customer service plan

Create a customer service plan

(30 marks)


An events company, Events Unlimited, has identified key service gaps in the delivery of service to their customers and has acknowledged that there is a need to develop and formalise a Customer Service Plan for staff and management to follow.

You are the newly appointed customer service manager and it is your job to create this plan.

You will need to develop a plan for management and staff to follow, which provides information regarding the company’s goals and other key elements. Included should be tactics for developing culture, and strategies for measuring and monitoring customer service. Refer to the online resource for important key elements and customer service standards required to assist in forming your plan.

Your document should therefore include the six (6) elements as per the list in the table below.

Company name: Events Unlimited

Customer Service Plan

1. Introduction, goals and actions – include title and contents pages

2. Mission Statement

3. Customer Charter

4. Customer service standards

5. Tactics for building culture including possible training needs/actions

6. Strategies or tools for measuring and monitoring service

To assist with completing this task, research an events company to gauge what services they provide and then consider what customers might expect from such a company.  You may use the following website as part of your research:

Travel Industry Careers Association

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