Create a bulleted list of talking points for a face to face persuasive presentation to high school students, which either promotes on line college pro

Childhood and Adult Cancers
October 20, 2020
What are in a leader of Religion sets them apart to be a leader? What is it that makes others want to follow them? What is in their personality that a
October 20, 2020

Create a bulleted list of talking points for a face to face persuasive presentation to high school students, which either promotes on line college pro

Create a bulleted list of talking points for a face to face persuasive presentation to high school students, which either promotes on line college programs over on ground classes, or vice versa.

Write a 1,500 to 1,750 word paper in APA format that explains why a face to face presentation is an effective channel for this topic and how your presentation will address the communication components outlined in Appendix A.