Counterterrorism from World War II– to 9/11

Capstone Research Report in Political Science
July 5, 2020
Research Paper Outline
July 6, 2020

Counterterrorism from World War II– to 9/11

Historical Context: Through 9/11

–Counterterrorism from World War II– to 9/11
–implications of 9/11 attack
–how attack changed interpretation and pursuit of counterterrorism (in previous strategies) in the immediate aftermath to 9/11

–wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the implications for counterterrorist strategies
–political and ethical values behind counterterrorism strategy
Film: : The Good Sheppard


Week 3:
Counterterrorism since 9/11: Refining the Threat and Practices to Combat It

—How did the recent aftermath (post 2010) of our experience of the Iraq and Afghan war affect our current approach to counterterrorism strategies?
–some discussion of the tactics used to find and locate Ben Laden
–counterterrorist practices in light of jihadist threats
–relation of international terrorism to domestic terrorism and how international terrorism affects the practices of counterterrorism in the homeland itself
–attention given to the change in theoretical points of view towards counterterrorism since 9/11
–midterm essay assignment will be sent out
Film: Zero Dark Thirty