Topic: copyright infringement discussion
Customer at March 31 19:43
all the requirements art listed in the “writing assignment”. Please check it carefully. Thank you!
Files: 3
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can you provide a term paper with the following requirements?
1. Important: PLEASE USE the article “Judge Tells Limewire, the file-trading service, to disable its software” as a SPRINGBOARD. Here is the link:
2. Read and FOLLOW the “Guidelines for academic papers” and “Writing Assignment” that I attached.
3. use these three articles as cases to talk about.
a. “what can the jeff koons lawsuit teach us about copyright law? A guest post” Link:
b. “suit accuses’South Park’ of copyright infringement” Link:
c. “Shepard Fairey and the A.P. settle Legal dispute” link:
d. More requiements please check and follow the “Writing assignment”. Thanks!
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Date File Name Size
March 31 20:20 IMPORTANT_Writing_Assignment.
doc 44 kb Download
March 31 20:20 Guidelines_for_Academic_Papers.doc 456 kb Download
March 31 20:29 Book_may_be_helpful.doc 10 kb Download