conventional representations of female and male sexual identity in the movie ROMANCE

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conventional representations of female and male sexual identity in the movie ROMANCE

Film(s): ROMANCE (1999) dir. Catherine Breillat ( you can find the movie online for free on :

: How does the movie Romance challenge conventional representations of female and male sexual identity? Where does
romance reside in our relationships? Discuss.

In terms of the first part of the question it requires you to look at representations of male and female sexual
The second question is connected to this in the way that it is asking you to consider where the conventional social
notions of romance exists in our relationships €“ and this can also be related to the first question on male and
female sexual identities in terms of how the film challenges/ reinforces notions of romance’ in our relationships.

Regarding the second question isn’t specifically asking about your relationships but more generally the
relationships’ that are experienced normatively in society.


Creed, B. (2003) Women and post-porn: Romance to Annie Sprinkle’, Media Matrix: Sexing the New Reality, Crows Nest,
NSW: Allen and Unwin, pp. 58-78.

McKee, A., Albury, K and Lumby, C (2008) The Porn Report, Melbourne University Press: pp. 101-127

Male gaze to perverse gaze readings :

Chaudhuri, S. (2006) Feminist Film Theorists: Laura Mulvey, Kaja Silverman, Teresa de Lauretis, Barbara Creed, London  & New York: Routledge, pp. 31€”44.

Creed, B. (2003) Film and fantasy: the perverse gaze’, Media Matrix: Sexing the New Reality, Crows Nest, NSW: Allen  and Unwin, pp. 13-30.

Mulvey, L. (1975) Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’, Screen, Vol. 16, No. 3, Autumn 1975, pp. 6-18