Improving Purchasing, Integration, Distribution Operations by Civilian Contractors Academic Essay
September 6, 2020
Dividends, Capital Structure Decisions Academic Essay
September 6, 2020


Everything I have covered up to this point has brought us to the point where we are doing work. As
the work is done, we must ensure we achieve the planned results; that we deliver the new asset and
desired changes and perfbrrnance improvement to the desired specification. and within the cost and
tirne at which it was thought to be worthwhile. Furthermore. as the project output is commissioned.
we must ensure it delivers the expected benefits which were used to justity the money spent. We can
be sure that this will not occur in a haphazard fashion. The structured process by which we check
progress and take action to overcome any deviations f’rom plan is control. As we have seen several
times up to now. there are lbur essential steps to the control process (Fig. I 1.2):
l. Plan futurc work and cstimate performance.
2. Monitor and repoft results.
3. Compare results to the plan and fbrecast future results.
4. Plan and take eft’ective action to recover the original plan or to minimize the variance.

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Posted on May 29, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions