Continuing Development of the Proposal
This assignment allows you to continue designing your proposal for planned change which you commenced in Assignment 1 (completing stages 1-8 inclusive). Remember you are in the role of
leader and change agent in this process.
An essay format should be used for this assignment. However, if desired, some elements of it may be captured in Table format as long as these are clearly identified, concise and an explanation
of the Table is provided in the body of the work (the essay text).
In Assignment 2 you must ensure that you identify your role (as leader/change agent) at each of the implementation/evaluation/reaction management and resource monitoring stages of the
change process (i.e in points 3, 4,5 & 6 below).
For this assignment students are required to:
1. Identify the problem/issue requiring the change you identified in Assignment 1, and briefly identify the main reason why the change is required (this will remind your tutor about the
problem/issue you identified in assignment 1); Issue: Pressure ulcers as the major cause of morbidity and mortality among the older people presenting to hospital. The main reason why this
change is required on my ward is because Very little attention is paid to patients who need prevention or management of pressure area care, which as a result complicates the patient’s full
recovery. Other wards are complaining about such patients when they get transfer.
2. Identify the theory and/or model that forms the framework for the
overall plan for change;
3. .Identify the elements (activities) of the plan according to the objective each is designed to address and the details of the implementation process including:
a. The actions/tasks required to achieve each element in the plan and the reason these are needed;
Example: A focus group for ward staff and a separate one for managers will be convened. This is because those in each group might feel constrained and reluctant to speak if they were all in one
group. (I am not advocating that this separation is a ‘good thing’ merely providing this as an example).
b. The order in which these actions/tasks will take place;
c. Who (according to role title i.e. unit manager; unit nurses, ward physiotherapist) will be responsible for each activity, who will be involved in each of these and how their participation will be
d. A time frame for each action/task (i.e. the length of time required for each to be completed);
4. Identify an evaluation plan for the change that specifically addresses how each action/task will be evaluated (N.B. Remember that evaluation is extremely important, should be comprehensive,
should take into consideration each of the objectives identified for the planned change as well as the overall aim of the project, and should be identified at the proposal stage);
5. Identify 5 reactions that you anticipate might occur to the proposed change, why these might occur and how you (in your role of leader/change agent) will address these.
6. Identify a budget for the proposed plan (which details and takes account of the human resources required to facilitate the change process, i.e. release time for staff; secretarial support etc.);
7. A conclusion to the essay that provides a review of whether or not you feel confident in implementing and evaluating your plan in your work context; whether or not and why you perceive the
planned change will meet its expected outcomes, and ways in which you plan to disseminate the outcomes of this change process.