Context of the rate of electron flow

Direction depending on the needs of the animal
May 2, 2020
Solution-Daughter with normal color vision
May 2, 2020

Context of the rate of electron flow

In an expirement, DCPIP (which interupts electron transport to the thylakoid ETC, becuase it can accept electrons fro PQ) was added to chlorophyll in cuvettes and placed at various distances from a light bulb. As a cuvette was placed closer the lightbulb, its calatytic rate increased up to from 60 to 20 cm away from the light buld , and then began decreasing at 15 and 10cm away.

Explain the results, in the context of the rate of electron flow through the thylakoid membrane, and is the light saturation effect taking place, based on my results.

In another part of the expirement, it was determined that ammonium chloride (which is an uncouplng agent) also changes the rate of electron flow, tic rate by increasing the catalywhy does this happen?