Content of Patient Records and Health Data Collection
Part 1 length 1page
Book Needed to complete assignment
Book: Lab Manual for Green/Bowie Essentials of Health Information Complete Lab
• Use the Deficiency Slip PDF to complete Lab Assignment 6-2 (Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Patient Records).
• Submit a completed deficiency slip for Case06, Case07, Case08, Case09, and Case10 (Appendix of Lab Manual).
Part 2 length ½ page
If you were to recommend a filing system, and then had to write a paragraph on: how to train someone to use that filing system. What would identify as the pro’s and con’s and why did you recommend that filing system?
Part 3 length ½ page
If you were to design a form for a new outpatient surgery department: what would you include? The form will capture all intake information.
What types of data would you collect? Why? What kind of directions would you provide to the front desk personnel and the patient for using the form.