September 1, 2020
Assume you have been hired by Kris Corporation as an Information Technology consultant
September 1, 2020

Consumption decisions

Consumption decisions

Order Description
Note: you don’t need to write Introduction & Conclusion. All you need to do is body part and short executive summary (executive summary will not be counted as part of the word count).

Assessment Task 3

Choosing a holiday can be a major consumption decision, subject to many competing influences. This assignment requires you to look at the holiday destination choices of 3 people, and provide your analysis on those factors leading to their decisions.
Firstly, please download the 5 survey questionnaires completed by 5 different respondents (these questionnaires will be posted on Moodle from Week 5). After reading through these questionnaires, please pick 3 questionnaires/respondents (you can pick any 3 you like) as the target for your analysis. You will notice that these questionnaires are mainly about making decisions among 6 different holiday options.
Secondly, please use the theoretical areas below to analyse the behaviour of your chosen respondents. Please explain the differences between their rankings of evaluative criteria and their choices of holiday destinations, using theories from:
• Personality
• Motivation
• Demographics (age, gender, family situation, income, ethnicity etc)
Lastly, please provide recommendations to the marketer of ANY ONE of the holiday options featured in the survey questionnaires – what are the characteristics of her/his likeliest customers and how might she/he best attract them by applying the theories of learning and memory?
Your argument and analysis in this report requires theoretical support from a minimum of 12 journal article references.

Assessment Criteria
• Report structure, writing style, and referencing – 3 marks
• Analyse the behaviour of chosen respondents using the theories of personality – 5 marks
• Analyse the behaviour of chosen respondents using the theories of motivation – 5 marks
• Analyse the behaviour of chosen respondents using the theories of demographics – 5 marks
• Recommendations – 7 marks
• Theoretical support (from at least 12 journal articles)
Total – 25 marks

Tip No. 1 on the Assessment Task 3 – Required Structure and Suggested Word Count

Please see below for the required structure for this individual report. We have also provided suggested word count for each section. Please note that the official word count will be taken from the first word of “Introduction” to the last word of “Conclusion”. So “Title page”, “Executive summary”, “Table of contents”, and “Reference list” will not be counted as part of the word count.

Title page

Executive summary
Table of contents
1. Introduction

2. Analysis of chosen respondents’ behaviour based on personality theories (around 350 words)
2.1 Why their rankings of evaluative criteria are different
2.2 Why their choices of holiday destinations are different

3. Analysis of chosen respondents’ behaviour based on motivation theories (around 350 words)
3.1 Why their rankings of evaluative criteria are different

3.2 Why their choices of holiday destinations are different
4. Analysis of chosen respondents’ behaviour based on demographic theories (around 350 words)
4.1 Why their rankings of evaluative criteria are different
4.2 Why their choices of holiday destinations are different
5. Recommendations (around 350 words)
5.1 Characteristics of likeliest customers
5.2 How to attract these customers by applying learning and memory theories

6. Conclusion

Reference list

Harvard: Australian or APA (both of them are similiar)

In addition to written paragraphs, you may utilise headings, subheadings, bullet points, tables, figures, or any other form of communication in this assignment, as long as it conveys your argument and analysis clearly.

Note: you don’t need to write Introduction & Conclusion. All you need to do is body part and short executive summary (executive summary will not be counted as part of the word count).