Confrontation & Coercion Academic Essay

August 15, 2020
Project Funds
August 15, 2020

Confrontation & Coercion Academic Essay

Why is authoritarian parenting that is high on control related to negative developmental outcomes? Why is responsiveness important?
Why is permissive parenting that is high on responsiveness related to negative developmental outcomes? Why is demandingness important?
What other factors, besides the balance in responsiveness and demandingness of authoritative parenting, contribute to the positive developmental outcomes that are associated with authoritative parenting?
What are some examples of basic rules and limits parents should consistently and unequivocally enforce every time from early childhood to adolescence?
Why are parents important to children’s development?
Under what conditions should children and adolescents be granted autonomy?
How would you explain the finding by Sorkhabi and Middaugh that adolescents reported more conflict with authoritarian mothers than with directive, authoritative, or democratic mothers?
How would you explain the finding by Sorkhabi and Middaugh that adolescents were more likely to disclose their activities and whereabouts to authoritative and directive mothers than to authoritarian and democratic mothers?
Describe how Sorkhabi and Middaugh assessed parenting styles and explain why their approach is useful?
What conclusions can be drawn from the Sorkhabi and Middaugh study regarding parental control and autonomy-granting during adolescence? Explain.

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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions