Conformity, Deviance, and Crime

Philosophy of Time Midterm
August 28, 2020
Literacy narratives Academic Essay
August 29, 2020

Conformity, Deviance, and Crime

Conformity, Deviance, and Crime

1. The correct URL and correct references are cited, preferably in
accordance with APA style rules
2. The correct author and/or source are cited in text when appropriate,
preferably in accordance with APA style rules
3. Contains a brief description of the reference, including scope and
type of information
4. Summarizes the main ideas/thesis of the reference
5. Explains the usefulness of the site to students and others in the field
of sociology
6. Applies one of the three major sociological theories to the site
Note: simply stating that conflict theory (for example) applies
does not satisfy this requirement. You must justify your choice by
referring to the tenants of the sociological theory applied.
7. The following questions have been thoroughly answered. What is
missing from this site? What should have been included?
8. Discusses how the reference is related to sociology
9. Five websites have been annotated
10. General spelling, grammar, and written mechanics
11. Turnitin will be built into dropbox to check for plagarism