conflicts and conflict resolutions Academic Essay

September 1, 2020
Medical school admission essay
September 1, 2020

conflicts and conflict resolutions Academic Essay

Imagine that you are a social worker who is required to work with Zoe, her family and foster carer as they are portrayed in the DVD ‘Removed’ part 1 (available on the learn on line site under topic 1).In this instance you are working towards reunifying Zoe with her mother and little brother so that they may safely live together.
Applying theories and perspectives learned through this course, develop a comprehensive plan for intervention in this family from an ecological perspective which involves the children, the family and their community. You may not be aware of the specific services available in the community, but you should indicate what kinds of resources you would wish to investigate and involve and the intended effects of this involvement.
You should include an analysis of the family based on the information you have, and consider how the family dynamics as well as political and community influences would impact on your multilayered plan. How will your plan involve the children, family and the community? What are the challenges that are posed by reconciling statutory obligations, requirements and constraints with ethics and knowledge base of Social Work? How can any conflicts between these principles be resolved?

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Posted on May 10, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions