The Racial Laws in Italy during WW2
May 24, 2020
you could do Iron Man, Bugs Bunny, KatnissEverdeen, Terminator
May 24, 2020

Conflict Management

Conflict Management
Paper instructions:
This is the assignment: Often in trying to resolve conflict, our choice of strategy results in various defense mechanisms from the recipients. Share some of the various defense mechanisms and how you have chosen to deal with them in order to enhance performance. Identify a situation where you had to resolve conflict where others became defensive. When we work with people and if they perceive a situation to be confrontational, they may become protectors of their self esteem and egos. Unresolved defensive strategies may turn into offensive tactics. How did you resolve the conflict? What style of conflict management did you use? Was it effective? What did you learn from the situation? How does the organizational culture play a role in conflict management? Be sure to include at least two outside sources for your information.