Configuring QoS for a Triple Play Customer

Law and ethics
September 20, 2020
the consequences of SOX.
September 20, 2020

Configuring QoS for a Triple Play Customer

iLab 1 : Configuring QoS for a Triple Play Customer


Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page.

(See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.)

Remember This!

Connect to Skillsoft here.


Scenario and Summary

In this lab you will act as a network engineer working for a service provider, and configure Quality of Service (QoS) for a triple-play customer in the lab. It is assumed that the customer subscribed to VOIP, television, and high-speed Internet. You will test different methods of implementing QoS.


  1. Read through the lab instructions before executing the lab steps and creating the report.
  2. Follow all procedures in the lab instructions for the items you will need to include in your report.
  3. After executing all steps contained in the lab instructions, submit a single Word document containing your report to the Dropbox.

Create your lab report using the template below. Submit your lab report to the Week 1 Dropbox by the due date.


Step 1: iLab and Report Guidelines

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Follow these guidelines to successfully complete your iLab and iLab report.

  1. Use the lab report template for all of your labs. Do not turn in separate documents for each lab or create your own document. Each lab is easily identified within the document by an appropriate section title. Note: It is a good idea to read over everything in the lab report template before performing your labs so that you know what to expect.
  2. Make sure that you read, understand, and follow all steps in this week’s iLab page, as well as all iLab instructions.
  3. For labs that require screenshots or show command output, have your lab report open, along with your instructions, so that you can immediately capture the screen, or the show command output and then paste it in your lab report before moving on to subsequent steps. In many cases, it is difficult to go back and capture an accurate screenshot after you have moved beyond the step requiring the screenshot.
  4. Your screenshot or show command output request may be accompanied by an additional written requirement. If so, be sure to respond. Write in complete sentences and be complete in your answers.
  5. When asked to summarize what you learned, always provide well-written, college-level paragraphs that include well-formed sentences, along with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Don’t just identify the steps that you performed (we already know that); give it some thought. In your summary, include what you accomplished in the assignment or lab, what you learned from performing it.
  6. Always append your name to your lab report before saving. Submit your completed lab report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
  7. Please write your answers to each question in a different color font to make this easier for the professor to grade.

Step 2: Review Lab Instructions

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You can read the lab instructions once you connect to iLab.

STEP 3: Complete the Lab Report

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Download the lab report template for this week’s lab From Doc Sharing. Use the template to complete your lab report.

STEP 4: Submit Your Deliverable

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Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page.







NETW320 Week 1 Report

Configuring QoS for a Triple Play Customer(40 points)


Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab and what you learned by performing it. (10 points)

Answer the following questions with short answers, and Copy and Paste the screenshots or show command output, when it is required, from the configuration.

*Hint* Read and study the instructions and explanations within the lab for assistance.

  1. What was accomplished in task 1?(3 points)
  2. What was accomplished in task 2? (3 points)
  3. What was accomplished in task 3, step 1? (4 points)
  4. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 3, step 4. (5 points)
  5. In the output of task 3, step 4 what does the number 50 mean in the following line: (5 points)

Shared queue weights: 4 50 1 45

  1. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 4, step 2. (5 points)
  2. In the output of task 4, step 2, what does the number 2 mean in the following line: (5 points)

Shaped queue weights (absolute): 0 0 0 2


NETW320 Week 2 Report

Configuring Traffic Classification(40 points)


Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab. What did you learn by performing it? (10 points)

Answer the following question with short answers, and copy and paste the screenshots or the show output command when it is required, from the configuration.

*Hint* Read and study the instructions and explanations within the lab for assistance.

  1. What was accomplished in task 2, step 1?(3 points)
  2. What was accomplished in task 3, step 2? (3 points)
  3. What was accomplished in task 4? (4 points)
  4. Copy and paste the output from the show run that shows the interfaces configured with cos task 2, step 2. (5 points)
  5. In the output of task 2, step 2, why is the cos 0 is not showing? (5 points)
  6. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 3, step 3. (5 points)
  7. In the output of task 3, step 3, to which cos is dscp 46 mapped? (5 points)






iLab 3: Traffic Classification Proof of Concept (POC)


Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page.

(See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.)

Remember This!

Connect to Skillsoft here.


Scenario and Summary

In this lab, you will verify and make sure that the Cisco switch is classifying the traffic as configured. You will change the default classification on an interface and do a POC.


  1. Read through the lab instructions document below before executing the lab steps and creating the report.
  2. Follow all procedures in the lab instructions for the items you will need to include in your report.
  3. After executing all steps contained in the lab instructions, submit a single Word document containing your report to the Dropbox.

Create your lab report using the template below. Submit your lab report to the Week 3 Dropbox by the due date.


STEP 1: iLab and Report Guidelines

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Follow these guidelines to successfully complete your iLab and iLab report.

  1. Use the lab report template for all of your labs. Do not turn in separate documents for each lab or create your own document! Each lab is easily identified within the document by an appropriate section title. Note: It is a good idea to read over everything in the lab report template before performing your labs so that you know what to expect.
  2. Make sure that you read, understand, and follow all steps in this week’s iLab page, as well as all iLab instructions.
  3. For labs that require screenshots or show command output, have your lab report open, along with your instructions, so that you can immediately capture the screen, or the show command output and then paste it in your lab report before moving on to subsequent steps. In many cases, it is difficult to go back and capture an accurate screenshot after you have moved beyond the step requiring the screenshot.
  4. Your screenshot or show command output request may be accompanied by an additional written requirement. If so, be sure to respond. Write in complete sentences and be complete in your answers.
  5. When asked to summarize what you learned, always provide well-written, college-level paragraphs that include well-formed sentences, along with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Don’t just identify the steps that you performed (we already know that); give it some thought. In your summary, include what you accomplished in the assignment or lab, what you learned from performing it.
  6. Always append your name to your lab report before saving. Submit your completed lab report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
  7. Please write your answers to each question in a different color font to make this easier for the professor to grade.

STEP 2: Review Lab Instructions

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You can read the lab instructions once you connect to iLab.

STEP 3: Complete the Lab Report

Back to Top

Download the lab report template for this week’s lab from Doc Sharing. Use the template to complete your Lab Report.

STEP 4: Submit Your Deliverables

Back to Top

Submit your lab to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.








NETW320 Week 3 Report

Router Traffic Classification Proof of Concept(40 points)


Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab and what you learned by performing it? (10 points)

Answer the following questions with short answers, and Copy and Paste the screenshots or show command output, when it is required, from the configuration.

*Hint* Read and study the explanations within the lab for assistance.

  1. What was accomplished in task 2, step 2?(3 points)
  2. What was accomplished in task 2, step 4? (3 points)
  3. What was accomplished in task 3, step 1? (4 points)
  4. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 2, step 4. (5 points)
  5. In the output of task 2, step 4, how many packets are marked COS 0?: (5 points)
  6. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 3, step 5. (5 points)
  7. In the output of task 3, step 5, how many packets are marked COS 4? (5 points)



iLab 4: Multicast Configuration


Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page.

(See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.)

Remember This!

Connect to Skillsoft here.



In this lab, you will configure two multicast features: the multicast VLAN registration (MVR) and IGMP Snooping.


  1. Read through the lab instructions document below before executing the lab steps and creating the report.
  2. Follow all procedures in the lab instructions for the items you will need to include in your report.
  3. After executing all steps contained in the lab instructions, submit a single Word document containing your report to the Dropbox.

Create your lab report using the template below. Submit your lab report to the Week 4 Dropbox by the due date.


STEP 1: iLab and Report Guidelines

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Follow these guidelines to successfully complete your iLab and iLab report.

  1. Use the lab report template for all of your labs. Do not turn in separate documents for each lab or create your own document! Each lab is easily identified within the document by an appropriate section title. Note: It is a good idea to read over everything in the lab report template before performing your labs so that you know what to expect.
  2. Make sure that you read, understand, and follow all steps in this week’s iLab page, as well as all iLab instructions.
  3. For labs that require screenshots or show command output, have your lab report open, along with your instructions, so that you can immediately capture the screen, or the show command output and then paste it in your lab report before moving on to subsequent steps. In many cases, it is difficult to go back and capture an accurate screenshot after you have moved beyond the step requiring the screenshot.
  4. Your screenshot or show command output request may be accompanied by an additional written requirement. If so, be sure to respond. Write in complete sentences and be complete in your answers.
  5. When asked to summarize what you learned, always provide well-written, college-level paragraphs that include well-formed sentences, along with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Don’t just identify the steps that you performed (we already know that); give it some thought. In your summary, include what you accomplished in the assignment or lab, what you learned from performing it.
  6. Always append your name to your lab report before saving. Submit your completed lab report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
  7. Please write your answers to each question in a different color font to make this easier for the professor to grade.

STEP 2: Review Lab Instructions

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You can read the lab instructions once you connect to iLab.

STEP 3: Complete the Lab Report

Back to Top

Download the lab report template for this week’s lab from Doc Sharing. Use the template to complete your lab report.

STEP 4: Submit Your Deliverables

Back to Top

Submit your lab to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.








NETW320 Week 4 Report

Configuring Multicast(40 points)


Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab and what you learned by performing it? (10 points)

Answer the following questions with short answers, and Copy and Paste the screenshots or show command output, when it is required, from the configuration.

*Hint* Read and study the explanations within the lab for assistance.

  1. What was accomplished in task 2, step 2?(3 points)
  2. What was accomplished in task 2, step 3? (3 points)
  3. What was accomplished in task 3, step 1? (4 points)
  4. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 3, step 3. (5 points)
  5. In task 3, step 3, which port is the receiver type? Which port is the source type? (5 points)
  6. In task 4, step 2, what is the multicast group IP address used? (5 points)
  7. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 4, step 3. (5 points)














Lab 7 : Advanced QoS Configuration


Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page.

(See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due dates.)

Remember This!

Connect to Skillsoft here.


Scenario and Summary

As a network engineer working for a service provider implement some advanced QoS configurations, to give more flexibility to the design and connectivity of application servers in a triple-play network.

In the Week 2 iLab, we configured traffic classification based on the assumption that every type of traffic was connected to one interface. So it made sense just to have one default classification and mark all the traffic the same for each port.

For this week’s lab we assume that the VOIP, TV, and Internet traffic are all coming to the same port. There are many cases like that, as an example, you might have a firewall between the servers and the switch, and the firewall does not support QoS, meaning after the firewall the traffic will lose its marking, and we have to do the classification and marking after the firewall. The firewall will be connected to the switch using only one port where all the traffic goes through.


  1. Read through the lab instructions document below before executing the lab steps and creating the report.
  2. Follow all procedures in the lab instructions for the items you will need to include in your report.
  3. After executing all steps contained in the lab instructions, submit a single Word document containing your report to the Dropbox.

Create your lab report using the template below. Submit your Lab Report to the Week 7 Dropbox by the due date.


STEP 1: iLab and Report Guidelines

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Follow these guidelines to successfully complete your iLab and iLab report.

  1. Use the lab report template for all of your labs. Do not turn in separate documents for each lab or create your own document! Each lab is easily identified within the document by an appropriate section title. Note: It is a good idea to read over everything in the lab report template before performing your labs so that you know what to expect.
  2. Make sure that you read, understand, and follow all steps in this week’s iLab page, as well as all iLab instructions.
  3. For labs that require screenshots or show command output, have your lab report open, along with your instructions, so that you can immediately capture the screen, or the show command output and then paste it in your lab report before moving on to subsequent steps. In many cases, it is difficult to go back and capture an accurate screenshot after you have moved beyond the step requiring the screenshot.
  4. Your screenshot or show command output request may be accompanied by an additional written requirement. If so, be sure to respond. Write in complete sentences and be complete in your answers.
  5. When asked to summarize what you learned, always provide well-written, college-level paragraphs that include well-formed sentences, along with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Don’t just identify the steps that you performed (we already know that); give it some thought. In your summary, include what you accomplished in the assignment or lab, what you learned from performing it.
  6. Always append your name to your lab report before saving. Submit your completed lab report to the appropriate weekly Dropbox.
  7. Please write your answers to each question in a different color font to make this easier for the professor to grade.

STEP 2: Review Lab Instructions

Back to Top

You can read the lab instructions once you connect to the iLab.

STEP 3: Complete the Lab Report

Back to Top

Download the lab report template for this week’s lab From Doc Sharing. Use the template to complete your lab report.

STEP 4: Submit Your Deliverables

Back to Top

Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.





NETW320 Week 7 Report

Advanced QoS Configuration(40 points)


Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab and what you learned by performing it? (10 points)

Answer the following questions with short answers, and Copy and Paste the screenshots or the show output command, when it is required, from the configuration.

*Hint* Read and study the explanations within the lab for assistance.

  1. What was accomplished in task 2?(3 points)
  2. What was accomplished in task 3? (3 points)
  3. What was accomplished in task 4? (4 points)
  4. Copy and paste the output from the show command of task 3, step 4. (5 points)
  5. In the output of task 3, step 4, which access-list was used for TV traffic? (5 points)
  6. Copy and paste the output from the show command in task 4, step 2. (5 points)
  7. In the output of task 4, step 2, what does cs6 represent? (5 points)

Need assistance with this?

