Configure our dedicated server for best website speed and optimization

Introduction And Background To Easyjet Management
March 10, 2020
English 102 (English Composition 2) Syllabus
March 10, 2020

Configure our dedicated server for best website speed and optimization

we have 4 sites, just moved to dedicated hosting, running on prestashop software. we need someone skilled in configuring dedicated server, to explain us what exactly you are doing, and to implement that also

the goal is to get the server and website optimized for fasted loading possible. the work will include setting up appropriate cache system like apc/varnish, memcache etc, setting and configuring a cdn system properly, setting up server memory usage to ideal setting and other things that can be done to achieve our goal.

you need to be very thorough with setting up and doing such kind of task. if you have done any work like this previously, include that in your message.