Requirements.. conduct an analysis of Taiwan as a tourism destination and write a research report addressing the following aspects.
1. Introduction containing crucial information about the destination including:
the population and its composition
the cultural and economic features/trends
a brief account of the destination development as an object of tourism interest
2. An analysis of key ‘push’ factors that stimulate tourism demand for the chosen destination. The section should include:
a list of key source markets (tourism generating regions), and:
an outline of ‘push’ factors for tourists from three main source countries
3. An analysis of key ‘pull’ factors which attract tourists to visit the destination. This section should contain:
a discussion of motivational and personality-related factors that induce interest in travel to your chosen destination, and must be linked with:
a brief description of main attractions and features of the destination which ‘pull’ tourists to the country
4. An assessment of the effectiveness of the tourism industry in the provision of tourism and hospitality products and services. This section should contain a critical evaluation of the following aspects:
the effectiveness of the industry to provide suitable infrastructure and amenities for the use of tourists, including transport and hospitality
an assessment of the destination’s representation in promotional material (travel brochures, promotional posters , video clips and other media) and your critical assessment of the degree to which this representation corresponds with the reality
a discussion of any relevant tourism impacts and how they have been dealt with
5. Conclusions and recommendations summarizing key points and discussing the following:
what are the prospects for the country as a tourist destination?
what should be done to ensure a more effective tourism development?
any other recommendations of significance to the analysed destination and presented discussion.
Provide a list of references indicating the sources you have used in the preparation of your assignment.
Journal articles and/or scholarly books must be a major part of the list of references. You may use websites, guidebooks and other trade publications where they are appropriate but they must not constitute the major part of your list of references.
You must use the Harvard author-date system of referencing. See Topic 3 in your Study Guide.
The assignment is a report.
The assignment must be presented using side headings that correspond to the sections referred to in the Major Assignment Outline.
A table of contents is not required.
You must not write your assignment using the style used in advertisements, brochures and guidebooks except when you are quoting examples for your discussion of promotional material.