Overview of Main report: You are required to conduct a strategic analysis and context evaluation for a real-life organisation Singapore Post (http://www.singpost.com).1. A description of the relevant background and history of SingPost. (400 words)
This information should be accurate and relevant to the analysis of SingPost. As a group you need to decide what should be included; it may include ownership, history, size, business scope, major products/services, and major markets and spheres of influence of the organisation. Only include the relevant material that will have a material affect on your analysis.
This provides the background against which you undertake subsequent analysis.
It may also include an outline of the significant moments in the history of SingPost and why you believe these moments were/are consequential to the way SingPost undertakes its activities today. Your choices here about which information to include or exclude are important and will require you to use your critical and analytical skills.