You are investigating 4 recessive alleles in corn. They are whimpy ears (w), striped leaves (s), shriveled kernels (k), and red tassels (r). Their dominant counterparts are represented by the “+” symbol. A plant that is homozygous recessive for all four genes (ww ss kk rr) is crossed with a plant that is homozygous dominant for all four genes (++ ++ ++ ++). The F1 progeny (w+ s+ k+ r+) are then testcrossed with another plant. A total of 1000 F2 progeny were produced. The F2 progeny display the following phenotypes.
Phenotype |
Observed # of Progeny |
w s k r |
198 |
+ + + + |
202 |
w s k + |
201 |
+ + + r |
199 |
w + k + |
49 |
+ s + r |
51 |
w + k r |
48 |
+ s + + |
52 |
a. Calculate the recombination frequencies between each pair of genes. (HINT: you will calculate 6 recombination frequencies – determine where each pair of genes experienced a crossover to produce the observed offspring).
b. Draw a chromosome map for these genes if they are linked.