Computers and cell phones have become increasingly popular in the recent times.

October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020

Computers and cell phones have become increasingly popular in the recent times.

Computers and cell phones have become increasingly popular in the recent times. It goes without saying that their utility has increased, thanks to their increased features and capabilities that allow them to be used into almost every aspect of individuals’ lives. Schools have not been spared from this popularity, with a large number of students having cell phones of different features. However, questions emerge as to whether schools should allow students to have cell phones in classrooms. As much as cell phones and computers may be increasingly crucial in many people’s lives they are sources of distraction, can encourage academic dishonesty and increase vulnerability to predators and cyber bullying, in which case they should be banned from classrooms.

First, cell phones are sources of distractions. In most cases, students who have mobile phones in classrooms will be listening to music, watching videos on the internet and texting their friends as the teacher writes on the board or even in instances where they are attending to another student. This happens both in schools where cell phones are allowed and where they have been banned. Needless to say, such behavior is distracting as there is no way that a student can be paying attention to the teacher while also watching a video online or texting their friends at the same time. On the same note, not only does the distraction affect the culprits but also other students who may not have their cell phones in class. This is especially in instances where the cell phones ring in the course of lessons, which would distract other students and disrupt lessons as teachers try to remedy the situation.

In addition, cell phones have evolved into instruments of cheating during examinations. Of course, students are unlikely to talk to one another using their cell phones during exams. However, technology has taken cheating to an entirely new level where students can pass notes and answers to each other through text messaging. Text messages can be discreetly sent to other students even in the course of classes or exams. In fact, there have been cases where even tutors send answers to students so that their classes do not fail. This is extremely unfair to other students who do not have cell phones, the parents and even the culprits themselves as the results they get would not be a realistic picture of their performance. In addition, the enhanced technology may allow students to go to the internet, which is an incredible store of knowledge and information, and get answers to their tests. This sets an extremely dangerous trend, where exams would be an unrealistic measure of the academic capabilities of the students unless they can be tested individually under strict watch or supervision.

Moreover, cell phones in school increase the probability that illicit pictures of kids will be taken. Most phones these days have inbuilt cameras. Considering that kids will always be kids, there is a high possibility that they will take cheeky pictures of teachers, as well as other students and even upload them into the internet irrespective of how compromising they may be. In addition, they increase the vulnerability of students to cyber bullying and predators. In most cases, students will be using them to access social media sites and other websites without parent or teacher supervision. This increases their vulnerability to predators lurking in chat rooms.

Nevertheless, there are those who feel that cell phones should not be banned in classrooms as they come as high-tech alternatives to the boring class lectures. These people feel that cell phones allow children to participate in interactive assignments such as classroom polls. On the same note, they feel that their kids are responsible enough as to only use the phones at the right time and for the right purposes, in which case schools should not ban phones in class. However, it is illogical to think that students who have cell phones will not be quietly typing away on their phones under their desks, surfing the internet, and sending messages in the course of classes. In addition, none of these reasons would negate the problem that comes with the distractive nature of cell phones in classes.

In conclusion, cell phones have become extremely crucial gadgets to most individuals. Their importance has infiltrated even classrooms, where numerous students carry them to classrooms. In spite of their increased importance, they should be banned from classrooms. Cell phones are objects of distractions in class as students often listen to music, play games, send text messages or even watch movies when bored even in the course of lessons. In addition, they can bring out academic dishonesty as students can send each other text messages with answers or even consult websites for answers in the course of examinations. In such instances, the examinations would an unrealistic technique of determining their academic capabilities. On the same note, cell phones increase the vulnerability of kids to predators or even illicit pictures of them taken and uploaded in the internet.

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