This assignment will build on what students completed in assignment 1. Each student will choose one issue/nursing priority identified as a group in assignment 1 and is required to critically analyse and discuss relevant patient care required and provided, including rationales and evidence to support their decisions and recommendations. The students’ rationales must demonstrate knowledge of best practice, pathopharmacology, relevant clinical pathways, and interprofessional roles within the context of the chosen issue. Students should also make appropriate reference to law and ethics and mental health. Assignment 1 is focused on the specific case scenario provided. In assignment 2, while making links to the case scenario, students should go beyond the case scenario and explore the issue in depth in a general context. Students should refer to relevant independent learning pods in developing their rationales and discussion. Students are also required to incorporate and reflect on how their critical analysis provides support for their achievement of ANMC competency elements 8.1: Determines progress of individual/groups toward planned outcomes and 8.2: Revises the plan of care and determines further outcomes in accordance with evaluation data.