competing in the global marketplace

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competing in the global marketplace

competing in the global marketplace

Case Studiesfrom the TextbookéHill, CWL2013, International business: competing in the global marketplace, 9th edn, McGraw-Hill/lrwin, New
York,NY). Coca-Cola,textbook 18-519

This must be done and submitted individually and must reflect your own workthat is developed from the foundation work done bythe team.
The report should offer a detailed understanding of the nature of Case. A good case analysis should reflect the following:

(i) Core

problems are clearly identified/lmplications on today’s global business environment

(ii) Detailed theoretical application to the


(iii) Good rationale for the choice of problems

(iv) Good rationale (logic and justification on the choice of solutions and


(v) Feasibility/practicability of recommendations and solutions.

Please note that the Final reportwill involve a

comprehensive case analysis in which you will be expected to identifythe key issue(s), ev aluate and re commend. It is essential that
students present an in-depth diagnosis and re commend a realistic and workable plan of action.

Format ofthe report

(i) Executive

summary: What isthe issue? How was it investigated? What did you find out? And what isthe significance ofthe findings?

(ii) Contents

(iii) Intro duction: Background info about the topic, aim/purpose of the investigation, outline how the main section (body) is structured.
(iv) Analysis

Ev) Recommendations

vi) Conclusion

(vii) References

(viii) Appendix