Comparison of two ancient artworks

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Comparison of two ancient artworks

Visit the following websites and explore the collections of Ancient Art there:

The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Louvre Museum
The Smithsonian Institution Freer Gallery and Sackler Gallery

From the gallery websites listed above, select two works of art from any ancient culture. Using the terminology and concepts you are learning for evaluating art, compare and contrast the two works including materials used, style, meaning, symbolism, and any other aesthetic issues. Explain how the works of art fit into the context of the time period. Keep in mind that only art works that fit into the period of Ancient Art (created between 30,000 BCE- 500 CE) will be accepted.

What is the FORM of the work?

Is it a two-dimensional or three-dimensional work of art?
What materials are used?
What techniques or processes are used to create the art work?
What colors are used?
Describe the use of line, space and balance.
Does the work of art have SUBJECT MATTER?

If so, what is literally depicted?
What is the CONTENT?

What does it mean or represent?
What is the artist’s message?
Is symbolism used? If so, what is the meaning?
What is the context of the art work?
What is the function of the art work?
What traditional role of the artist is exemplified?
Please note all references and website that you get your information