Write a comparison essay (1,200 to 1,500 words) in which you analyze the communication of one teamsports teams,
Learning Teams, and so forthand one small secondary groupcommittee, study group, support group. Do not tell a
story instead analyze the communication among members of the group/team. Utilize research to discuss the factors
related to group collaborations.
¢ Who were the participants of the team and the group?
¢ How was each formed? Is this typical for team and group formations? Explain.
¢ What differences were there between the team and the group dynamics? Why?
¢ How might these experiences differ for a virtual team or group? What unique characteristics are there for a virtual team or group?
¢ In each team and group, how did members take on roles?
¢ What norms developed in the team and group? How did these develop? Explain.
¢ Were there status differences within the team and the group? Why or why not? What effect did this have on the
group performance?
¢ Identify at least three interpersonal needs as noted by Maslow and/or Schutz that were met through the team
or group experiences. Explain why the team or group experiences met these needs.
¢ Provide a summary of differences in working with a team and small group.
Reference at least two peer-reviewed articles, in addition to the course text.
Format, cite, and reference your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Give the paper a unique title (do not use assignment name for your paper title).