Comparing two pathways to tolerance and world peace

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August 1, 2020
August 1, 2020

Comparing two pathways to tolerance and world peace

Comparing two pathways to tolerance and world peace

One way of analyzing the issues at stake between Nussbaum and McConnell’s is to look at each of their articles from the perspective of tolerance. What does tolerance mean to you? Whose recipe or prescription for tolerance and world peace is more convincing to you, Nussbaum’s or McConnell’s? Which do you like better and why?

Your task in this assignment is to write an essay of 1500 words or less that defines what tolerance means to you, whose pathway to tolerance you favour Nussbaum’s or McConnell’s and why.

Remember that McConnell wrote his essay in response to Martha Nussbaum’s article, so be sure to show examples of how similar and how different McConnell’s position is from what Martha Nussbaum argues. Also take some time and care in selecting quotations from each author that can back up and defend your interpretation of their arguments.

Your sources for this assignment should be limited to Cosmopolitanism and Patriotism by Martha Nussbaum, and Don’t Forget the Little Platoons by Michael McConnell.

Your essay (without headings) should be 1500 words and double spaced. It should be submitted through the dropbox tool in MyLearningSpace no later than 11:59 p.m. on Saturday of Week 12 (please see your Weekly Schedule for details) using the filename RE103OC Major Essay Final. Please be sure to include a title page with your name and student number on it.

You should use the Chicago Manual of Style of footnotes (placed at the end of your essay) and bibliography, directions for which are available here: