as the theory that explains it is economically beneficial for consumers to engage progressively in greater consumption of goods. The theory also describes the value that consumers attach to the materialistic possessions. Some researchers explain that the spiritual and psychological effects of consumerism can be significant in reversing the modern world trend of destructive, harsh and unsustainable consumption. Other researchers have argued that modern consumerism is ecologically unsustainable and is threatening to destroy the advantageous connections between nature and the human spirit. Modern Consumerism has effect on the economy, trade, culture, traditions, living standard and the environment. The essay will compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the modern consumerism.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Modern Consumerism
The introduction of the industrial revolution made the society shift from the culture that is religion based on the culture that is scientific based. At the same time, this revolution shifted the economy that was agriculturally based to industrial based economy. It also changed the rural settings to urban settings and the values of the community to individual values according to Bolen (2001). The cultural and economic change causes persons to migrate to urban areas as stated by Campbell (2005). ing to the new urban environment.This revolution has contributed to the detachment of the society from the nature and to develop with lack of psychological wellbeing and ecological awareness. According to Stearns (2006) there is the loss of cultural background which leads to an emptiness in one’s self. The economic, marketing, industrial developments combined with changes in the society lead to consumerism explosion.
Consumerism has led to increased consumption of goods and services. According to Zhou (2006), increase in the consumption of goods and services has a positive impact on the technology. Organizations are working day and night trying to come up with high-quality goods and services that meet the customers’ demand. Modern consumerism is making organizations use the best advertising and marketing strategies for convincing consumers to buy their goods. These advertisements use media that is so appealing and persuading such that consumers are left with no other option apart from purchasing the product. Companies are thus spending a lot of their revenue in unnecessary advertising and marketing promotions which increase the running costs of these companies according to Abela (2006).Increased running costs by the companies force them to raise the price of goods and services which is disadvantageous to the consumers. This culture of modern consumerism promotes impulse buying where consumers cannot resist spending which create shopaholics. “I shop therefore I know that I am: the metaphysical basis of modern consumerism” as stated by Campbell (2004). These shopaholics demand products which are not essential, such as high fashions and other prestigious goods which add less value to the person. Impulse buying has negative impactson the part of the consumers because they spend money meant for purchasing essentials goods and services.
Modern consumerism has made the companies more aggressive in their productions of goods and services. Companies benefit from increased revenues due to increased consumption of goods and services by the consumers. The increased income makes companies insensitive to the ecological impacts of their processes of manufacturing as stated by Pankratova (2013). The process of consuming goods and services also has negative ecological impact as stated by Hamilton (2010). These companies emit poisonous gases and other wastes that pollute the environment. For instance, research has shown that about 210 billion cans, paper bags, plastic carton and bottles are thrown away every year in the developed countries according to Lodziak (2002). Consumerism risksConsumerism does not care about the future sustainability. It encourages rapid degradation of the resources to make people happy and more satisfied. Happiness and satisfaction are acquired by possessing a lot of material wealth. The problem is that they don’t ask themselves what will happen, after all, the resources being used in their production are exhausted. Modern society should show concern for the sustainability of the future generations.
Consumerism affects individuals in several ways. It affects the individual’s psychological health via erosion of the true self andIt makes people place themselves in social status that they do not belong or afford. This false-self affect people negatively especially those from low economic status who are struggling to possess what the rich have. In such circumstances, organizations are at the advantageous end. It also affects the spiritual health of a person by erosion of the spiritual connections of human with nature and replacing it with increased consumption of goods and services. There exist spiritual connection between human and the nature where human beings are supposed to care for the nature. Study shows that people in a wellbeing society have a close relationship with the natural environment as stated by Campbell (2003). This relationship was demonstrated by people identifying trees in their park and flowers in their yard just the same they would identify an organization logo. People would love to live intimately and protect nature from any harm, but modern consumerism has eroded this relationship. Some researchers proved that brand and products names act as substitutes for a healthy people relationship. Modern consumerism has been shown to have significant social control and cultural influence in the modern society.
Modern consumerism encourages the creation of new goods and services which make life less tiring and it give life a sense of meaning according to Morris (2001). It is also seen as a potential tool that can be used in uniting persons from around the globe in a common consumer culture. Increased innovation in the production of new products makes life easier by ensuring that work is done faster and efficiently. Making life easier may entail the use of machines such as washing machines and many others. Life has a sense meaning because of the variety of new products and services that make life worth living. The most important benefit of consumerism is the element of uniting people from all walks of life in a common consumer culture. The unity is caused by the fact that people from all over the world use similar goods and services made from different parts of the world according to Shaoul (1997).
Modern consumerism has led to the improvement of the world economy. It is economically demonstrated by the chronic buying of new products and services without considerations of significant factors as stated by Liechty (2003). These factors include little attention to their genuine need, product design, durability and consequences of the environment by their production and disposal. Consumerism leads to materialism. Modern consumerism has increased trade both national and international according to Hilton (2002)Modern consumerism has also led to the improved standard of living as stated by Stearns (2006). The government acquires a lot of revenue from consumerism that it uses to improve the standard of living of its citizens. Increase in cash flow in an economy leads to the high standard of living of the people. People strive to maintain better living standards to cope up with the rapidly improving economy. Employment has also contributed to improved standard of living according toTrentmann (2006). Many employment opportunities have been created by modern consumerism.It has led to poverty reduction and increase in the quality of life of the people according to Morris (2001).Research done in US found out that modern consumerism has contributed to the improved living standard of many Americans. Apart from the positive impacts consumerism also make people greedy and selfish due to the competition it creates among the consumers stated by Cross (2000). People struggle to outdo the other in the buying of goods and services and the social status.
Modern consumerism has both far-reaching advantages and disadvantages. These are some of its advantages. Modern consumerism has led to the creation of products and services that people desire. It has contributed to increase in the creativity and innovation so that goods produced meet the needs of the consumers. Both the government and the organizations have The disadvantages of modern consumerism include the following. It has contributed to the loss of traditional values. People have abandoned their culture. There is loss of spiritual connection between human and the nature. It has led to the environmental damage through pollution. It has led to degradation of the natural resources. Creation of wastes has increased. It has also made people selfish and greedy. It has also led to unhealthy competition among individuals and companies. It is of significance for people to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the modern consumerism.
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