Compare the cost and staffing implications for different systems

choose an industry and briefly summarize the key trends in each of the six areas of the general environment.
June 29, 2020
Using the adult immunization schedule, and Fluview, other resources within the CDC website, answer the following questions: 25 points total A. In what
June 29, 2020

Compare the cost and staffing implications for different systems

Order DescriptionPlease read carefully:
Purpose of this assignment and Scenario.
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Learning Outcome 1 and Learning Outcome 2.Learning Outcome 1:
Create a management training handbook for a restaurant chain. It should include chapters with the following topics:
1.1 Discuss the characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems giving examples from different hospitality organisations (give two any different hospitality organisations)1.2 Discuss factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems1.3 Compare the cost and staffing implications for different systems1.4 Justify the suitability of systems for particular food and beverage outlets (chose 2 outlets with different service systems)Learning Outcome 2:
2.1 Discuss the use of financial statements in food and beverage operations2.2 Demonstrate the use of cost and pricing processes2.3 Analyse the purchasing process.Submission Guidelines:
Excellent Formatting:
Preferred writing styles Arial, Verdana, and Times New Roman
Line spacing 1.5, Font Size 12
Consistency in top, bottom and left, right margins
Alphabetical Harvard referencing and bibliographyEssay Structure Title Page
Main Body (Tasks)
References (including weblioreferencing)
AppendicesPlagiarism Rules and Regulations
o No plagiarism is accepted in assignments.Remind Again: Please read carefully Purpose of this assignment and SCENARIO!!!!!!
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