Compare between 300 (the movie) and The can write about Sparta”s love of military discipline, the extreme violence and cruelty of the Ro

Assignment details
June 13, 2020
global audiences around a technology, which could be about technology adoption, upgrade, legacy, impact to a business or community
June 13, 2020

Compare between 300 (the movie) and The can write about Sparta”s love of military discipline, the extreme violence and cruelty of the Ro

Paper instructions:

compare between 300 (the movie) and The can write about Sparta”s love of military discipline, the extreme violence and cruelty of the Roman public entertainments, etc. It is up to you to decide exactly what to compare and how to do make the case that you seek to make. Do, however, be specific concerning both the films and the historical detail upon which you focus. The comparison should be either  History or mythology