Instruction:Haughton, C (2008). The edge of reason. Director, 61(7), 70., discusses three models for social enterprises. One such model suggests the creation of a for profit business to drive social initiatives. In 500 words, evaluate the ethics of such a model.PLEASE USE REFERENCE ABOVE (Haughton, C (2008)), TEXTBOOK BELOW, AND ONE OTHER BELOW REFERENCES FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT OR ONE REFERENCE OF YOUR CHOICE THANKSRequired Textbook: Brooks, A. (2009). Social entrepreneurship. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education.Required Readings on eReserve:
Alvord, S. H., Brown L. D., Letts, C. W (2004). Social entrepreneurship and societal transformation: An exploratory study. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 40(3), 260-282. Auerswald, P (2009, April). Creating social value. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 7(2), 51-55. Fayolle, A., Basso, O., & Legrain, T. (2008). Corporate culture and values: Genesis and sources of LOrals entrepreneurial orientation. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 21(2), 215-229,251. Mamdouh Farid. (2007). Entrepreneurship in Egypt and the US compared: Directions for further research suggested. The Journal of Management Development, 26(5), 428-440.Course Syllabus Page 2 of 6 Haughton, C (2008). The edge of reason. Director, 61(7), 70. Mitra, C., & Borza, A.. (2010). The role of corporate social responsibility in social entrepreneurship.. Management & Marketing, 5(3), 63-76. Murphy, P., & Coombes, S.. (2009). A model of social entrepreneurial discovery. Journal of Business Ethics, 87(3), 325-336. Philis, J., Deiglmeier, K., & Miller, D. (2008). Rediscovering social innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 6(4), 43-44. Roper,J. & Cheney, C. (2005). Leadership, learning and human resource management: The meanings of social entrepreneurship today. Corporate Governance, 5(3), 95-104. Sizoo, S. (2007). The effect of intercultural sensitivity on cross-cultural service encounters in selected markets: Hawaii, London, and Florida. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 47-66. Strautmanis, J. (2008). Employees values orientation in the context of corporate social responsibility. Baltic Journal of Management, 3(3), 346-358. Verhezen, P., & Morse, P.. (2009). Consensus on global governance principles? Journal of International Business Ethics, 2(1), 84-101,120. Waddock, S. A., & Post, J. E.. (1991). Social entrepreneurs and catalytic change. Public Administration Review, 51(5), 393.