Comparative Visual Analysis of 2 scenes from Rebel Without a Cause

October 15, 2020
Run Lola Run by Tom Tykwer
October 15, 2020

Comparative Visual Analysis of 2 scenes from Rebel Without a Cause

Comparative Visual Analysis of 2 scenes from Rebel Without a Cause

Strict1300-1500 word limit

Write acinematic genderanalysis of 2scenes from Rebel.
Be sure to

1) Provide a clear thesis in the form of
“This film argues x about gender”

2) Discuss
A:What aspect(s) of gender does the film explore?
B: How are those aspects illustrated in the scenes? Be sure to make cinematic details the center of your analysis. Move outward from the details.
C: How do the cinematic details link back to your thesis (warrant)?

3) Include an idea, quotation or argument from one (1) of the shared readings and (1) source developed through research. Be sure to clearly introduce each source and fully develop connection between it and your argument.

4) Include an MLA format works cited page. Be sure to cite all sources.

As always show me the best work you can do. Be sure to include a topic sentence for each paragraph. Try your best to write clear simple sentences free of grammar errors.