Comparative Look at Action ResearchTraditional research is characterised by an independent inquiry that aims at finding out some truth that can be used to inform education practice. This kind of research concerns itself with the collection of data and information that may benefit the field of education. Part of the data collected is used to improve the general field of education. Traditional research has operated under the assumption that its finding will find its way into educational practice and improve it. Traditionally, teachers have been viewed as consumers of research; this has been an error because teachers have the duty of transforming and enhancing the lives of their students. The paper that follows addresses the role of teachers as researchers rather than mere consumers of research.Traditional research varies markedly from action research. The primary purpose of traditional research is to develop new knowledge. Contrastingly, action research concerns itself with solving problems and offering practical solutions. Traditional research is often driven by an outside expert. Action research is driven by a practitioner in the field e.g. teachers. The development and testing of hypotheses is the primary role of traditional research. In contrast, action research explores the practicality of options aimed at addressing a practical problem (Goldstone, 2003).In the field of education, traditional research was aimed at collecting results and passing this information to government, policy-makers, professionals, and non-governmental agencies concerned with education. Data collected by action research is directed to the school community. Teachers partaking action research appreciate the fact that they are generators, and not mere consumers, of research. Action research seeks to address real and practical challenges teachers face in the classroom environment. For instance, teachers were concerned by the high rate of school absenteeism and dropouts among the African-American (Nguyen, 2007). In this scenario, teachers are able to conduct action research and make an inquiry into the reasons behind the alarming rates of school dropouts.Traditional research experienced or encountered in the field of education was predominantly conducted by experts in field such as psychology, education, and behavioural sciences. These researches have tried to hypothesize certain aspects encountered in the field of education. Traditional research into the field of education was more of a linear activity that turned teachers and educationalists into mere technicians. This research emanated from outside researchers, e.g. university dons and students pursuing their masters and doctorate degrees. Traditional research in education is ideal for informing theory and practice. However, classroom practice requires a more fine tuned research approach, i.e. action research (Dana, & Yendol- Hoppey, 2009).Both the traditional and action research have strengths and weaknesses. The primary strength of traditional research rests in the fact that it is conducted by experts in the field. Secondly, traditional research draws from different sources and ensures that the content of research is solid. Data collected via traditional research can be used to formulate and support theory. The hypotheses formulated in traditional research makes the model more inquisitive. However, there are challenges or weaknesses of traditional research. One such weakness is the fact that traditional research is conducted by outsiders. These researchers lack the hands-on experience that would have helped them handle the exact challenges encountered by the school community. Another weakness rests in the fact that the findings of these researches are not directed to the school community (Mertler, 2012).On the other hand, action research finds strength in the fact that it is driven by practitioners in the field of education (Schmuck, 2009). Secondly, Action research inquires into the challenges and problems encountered by the school community and seek to improve the conditions in the class environment. Strength rests in the fact that action research is more results oriented. The findings of this research model are applied to remedy unfavourable situations, or improve a condition. For instance, teachers can use action research to find out ways of encouraging the participation of minority students in the learning process (Williams, 2007). Additionally, teachers can engage students in the learning process both in class and outside the classroom environment. For ensample, Drexter et al, (2007) propose that teachers use platforms such as collaborative blogs to allow their students develop expository writing skills.The research by Williams (2007), is most influential in teaching and learning as it highlights the benefits realized when practitioners create equitable classrooms through action research. This is because this study addressed various factors that inhibit the learning and teaching process. Teachers and practitioners can apply the findings of this study to form action strategies aimed at addressing issues of participation, equity, and diversity. This study addressed equity in the sense that teachers were seeking ways of encouraging African-American students to participate in a diverse classroom setup.The most important lesson learnt on action research is the fact that it looks at ways of addressing the challenges facing the school community. The only question that remains on the action research is the power that practitioners have on the implementation of the findings of action research. Traditional research can be used to inform educational practice. The theories presented by traditional research are instrumental in informing practice.ReferencesDana, N. F., &Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2009). (Laureate Education, Inc., custom ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.Drexter, W., Dawson, K., &Ferdig, R. E. (2007). Collaborative blogging as a means to develop elementary expository writing skills. , 6, 140160Goldstone, L. (2003). . In E. Meyers, & F. Rust (Eds.), (pp. 6378). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.Mertler, C. A. (2012).. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.Nguyen, Q. T. (2007). In C. Caro-Bruce, R. Flessner, M. Klehr, & K. Zeichner (Eds.), (pp. 7899). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.Schmuck, R. A. (2009). Practical action research: A collection of articles. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press.Williams, B. (2007). In C. Caro-Bruce, R. Flessner, M. Klehr, & K. Zeichner (Eds.), (pp. 100124). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.