Comparative analysis of United States Health Care Syatem to Chinas Health Care System

June 18, 2020
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June 18, 2020

Comparative analysis of United States Health Care Syatem to Chinas Health Care System

Comparative analysis of United States Health Care Syatem to Chinas Health Care System

Order Description

Below are five (5) key steps that will help you with your research and writing of this paper. Please read all five steps at this time to help you understand the requirements. These five key steps and the grading rubric for the final paper below will help you with your course project success!
5-Key Steps to Course Project Success
Step 1: Choose a Country(China)
Compare key indicators of the U.S. Healthcare system to your choice(China) country’s healthcare system. Primary sources are the WHO, NIH, CDC, OECD, the county’s national healthcare website, government websites and so on.
Step 2: Course Project
Review the course project rubric below. It is a great idea to follow the rubric like an outline for your paper.
The project requirement is a 6-10 page paper. Note that 6-10 pages mean 6-10 pages of double-spaced written material with 1-inch margins left, right, top and bottom and a 12-point font. The cover sheet, abstract, and reference list will not count toward the 6-10 pages. APA format is required.
Step 3: Research & Quality Information
As you do your research, seek out quality primary sources for writing your paper. There is a comprehensive database of healthcare statistics for 30 different countries, including the U.S., from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or under “Welcome to Class”. This is an international organization that collects healthcare data. This document has 1,200 different data series, with a time series from 1960 to 2008. It is used by the World Health Organization, the U.S. and other OECD participants, as well as, the entire world to determine what may be the most efficient and effective way to deliver healthcare. The OECD, HCQI data will show where developed countries are at in healthcare services and which of these countries are making progress improvements.
Step 4: Quality Assurance Check
Before you submit your final paper, you need to do a spell and grammar check and also check for any content errors, i.e.,
1. Your introduction is concise and clear and reflects the paper’s content.
2. Topics and subtopics transition well throughout each section of your paper.
3. All concepts, quotes, numbers, statistics, graphs and graphics are properly cited.
4. Each citation has a reference listed in the bibliography.
5. The conclusion is consistent with the paper’s content.
6. The title page, paper, in-paragraph citations and reference page are all in the APA formatting.
Step 5: Grading Rubric
Before submitting your final paper, check to make sure your paper meets all of the criteria in the grading rubric below.

Student’s name:
Criteria Possible Points Student’s Earned Points
Introduction – Clearly defined topic and stated thesis. Prepared the reader for the analysis.
Literature Review – Presented a thorough summary of recent academic literature on your topic area. Integrate related concepts and findings, and discuss connections or contrasting viewpoints. Present the information in a logical, concise and well-documented manner.

Discussion – Incorporated themes and issues discussed in the course.
Relevance – the relevance of the topic and your analysis to global health explained. Consider the implications of the global effects on the local realities.
Summary and Conclusion – the major points summarized with recommendations for the future include, but should not introduce new information.
Sources/Citations – You must use at least 5 recent (2007-present), academic, scholarly articles put out by academic publishers or websites. All sources must be appropriately documented in the text using APA formats, and listed in a reference section at the end.
Documentation & Formatting Quality work will include a title page, an abstract, proper in-paragraph citations, and a bibliography with references from all citations and sources used. Length is 6-10 pages of text, 12-point New Times Roman font, and double-spaced, one-inch margins. Thoughts are expressed clearly and logically, arguments are well organized, and paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.