Exhibit regarding the 3 works of art chosen
June 12, 2020
critical reflection
June 12, 2020

Comparative Analysis

Order Description
Write a comparative analysis of storytelling techniques (how story is constructed) in Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe and Shakespeare’s play The Tempest. How does construction (the writing) shape content (the story) in each piece of literature, and how do they compare to one another? Focus on the writing: the methods, gestures, habits, patterns, organization, or structure each writer utilizes or exhibits in each work. Be sure to address how each writer engages his audience. Don’t try to conquer the whole of each book in your paper; instead, be specific in constructing a focused investigation of aspects and passages of greatest interest to you as a reader and scholar of writing.

Demonstrate a thorough investigation of the writing. Construct a creative and original argument that exhibits strong structure and organization, clear evidence of revision and editing, and correct grammar and punctuation.