Assess the main features of CSR practices and communication within the organization. Examine communication activities and tools to illustrate and provide examples throughout your discussion and evaluation of the company corporate communications in this regard.
Make sure that you include key stakeholders in relation to the CSR program issues communicated by the company. Consider also how CSR affects the organization’s brand and reputation.
present a definition and discussion of the theory surrounding issues management
Assess the main features of issues that the organization needs to manage, and explain how media relations are used – or could/ should be used. Explain how issues management may affect the organization’s brand and reputation.
Examine and discuss the consistency of the messages being communicated to key stakeholders by the company in terms of company image, CSR activities [and green marketing or greenwashing if relevant]. Note that different stakeholder groups may in fact require DIFFERENT messages, so comment on this aspect in your report
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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions