Companies should be required to offer work life balance programs for their employees.Argue or against this statement.

should foundational studies courses be eliminated or reduced
March 24, 2020
Government Controls Society
March 24, 2020

Companies should be required to offer work life balance programs for their employees.Argue or against this statement.

Companies should be required to offer work life balance programs for their employees.Argue or against this statement.

Persuasive Essay Assignment Sheet
Write a persuasive essay in which you address one of the two topics below:
4? Companies should be required to offer work-life balance programs (policies) for
their employees. Argue for or against this statement.
All students from your home country should be required to study abroad. Argue
for or against this statement.
-Y The essay must be 6 to 7 paragraphs in length. This means one introductory paragraph,
4 or 5 body paragraphs, and one concluding paragraph.
You must follow APA style for formatting, citations, and the reference list.
You must use at least two different outside sources in your paper. The ONLY sources
you may use must come from the Wilmington University library’s databases. You may
NOT use websites!
You must have at least 2 quotes and 2 paraphrases in the body of your paper (do not put
quotes or paraphrases in the introduction and conclusion).

a – it does not matter how you divide the sources…you might use a quote from one, two

i paraphrases from another, etc.

3? ‘- Use the sources as support in the places where it makes sense. You do not have to

V. if have the same number of sources in every paragraph. How you use them is up to you

3 and the content of your paper.

m If there is ANY plagiarism on the rough draft, you will receive 0 points out of 10 for
the rough draft portion of the final grade rubric.

513*‘. u. If there is ANY plagiarism on the final essay, you will receive a grade of 65% or

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